advanced phone service

User Guide

Remote Access to Call Forwarding
Allows remote access to the Call Forwarding features when you are away from home.

To access Remote Access features:

  1. Call the Remote Access number that applies to your region.
  2. Enter your home phone number (10 digits).
  3. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) (see section on "Getting started").
  4. Enter the "programming code" associated with the desired feature.

To use Remote Access to Call Forwarding, dial the same "programming codes" described later in this guide for Call Forwarding (immediate, busy, no answer, selective). Expect about one minute delay between the selection of programming codes and the remote activation (or deactivation) of Call Forwarding functions.

Certain conditions apply, including a 12-month commitment at time of subscription. Offer valid for residential customers only, where technology permits. The customer must have a Touch-tone phone. Rotary phones are not compatible. An Internet connection is required to access the Call Feature Management website. Display features require a phone equipped with a display window. Certain features are activated and deactivated by phone.